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Education and Training

When we do our part, we can all be cybersmart.

Do you know that clicking a link in a suspicious email can lead to a malware infection? Or that ignoring software updates puts your device at risk? Sometimes we don’t know what we don’t know until it’s too late.

There is good news—there are simple steps you can take to protect Yale data and your personal information.

Cybersecurity awareness isn't about a laundry list of items for you to remember. It's about taking small, repeatable actions that up your security protection. We are here to help you discover resources that keep you, your colleagues, and your family safe online.

When we do our part, we can all be cybersmart.

Get started

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month!

Ready to up your cybersecurity know-how? This October, join the Information Security Office (ISO) for Cybersecurity Awareness Month. We’ll share simple ways to protect your Yale data and personal information.

Watch for our weekly Information Security virtual events beginning October 5. Join us for fun ways to stay safe and secure, whether working on campus or remotely.

We’ll keep you informed and on your cybersecurity toes. You may even win some cool cybersecurity awareness swag!

Week 1 – How to work from anywhere—securely.
Week 2Submit a security slogan
Week 3Be a website whiz
Week 4Attend an InfoSec chat


Secure your space checklist

Wondering how to make your workspace more secure? We've got you covered! These handy tips will ensure you're keeping your online information safe.

Print the Secure Your Space Checklist
Wondering how to make your workspace more secure? We've got you covered!

Security guidelines for working remotely

Did you know that you should avoid saving Yale data on your personal devices? Or that you should take steps to secure your home network?

You are the best defense against people eager to steal your important information.

With so many of us working remotely, we can't be careful enough. For the full scoop, review our Security Guidelines for Working Remotely. You will learn the most important actions you can take.


Chat with us

Get the latest scoop on Information Security news at our monthly InfoSec Chat.

Register for an upcoming session

Got MSS? Training

The Minimum Security Standards (MSS) are baseline requirements for building and maintaining Yale IT systems. The more the Yale community understands the MSS, the easier it is to protect our systems.

We are currently piloting the MSS Roadshow to ITS Staff. Soon, MSS training will be available to our IT Partners.


Picture of 3 people sitting around a table eating lunch

Cybersecurity Awareness Webinar: Top 10 Most Entertaining & Easy-to-Hack Passwords

Need tips to keep your online information secure? Cyber news reporter Kerry Tomlinson shares interesting, entertaining and important information about password protection.  Check out this informative recording and learn how to power up your passwords. Watch, learn, and then share with all the people in your life you care about including kids, spouses, partners, parents, and grandparents! 

Go to the Recording