Cybersecurity Awareness & Training

We see and hear about cybersecurity threats in the news almost daily. Yale is no exception - cybercriminals are intent on disrupting the critical work we do.
The team in the Information Security Office (ISO) works hard to manage cyber threats using the latest tools and technology. But it takes more than tools to keep Yale's data and systems safe.
Now more than ever, we all need to work together to protect Yale's mission. Yale depends on you to recognize when something seems suspicious and report it, right away. It's important we click with caution and understand the security requirements of the data we handle. When it comes to cyber safety, your small steps can make a big difference for security at Yale.
Use this page to discover opportunities to “bee” involved and improve your cyber habits!

Request an Appearance from Boola the Cyber Bee
Boola the Cyber Bee is the newest member of the Yale community here to help raise awareness about online safety and keep our digital community buzzing with good cyber habits.
Looking to add a touch of fun to your department’s event? Boola is here to help make Yale a cyber-safe space for everyone and is available for appearances at events. Submit a request to our beekeepers for Boola to buzz by your larger gatherings!
Helpful Cybersecurity Awareness Resources
Five simple and repeatable behaviors
There’s a lot to know about cybersecurity. And the ISO is here to empower you, not overwhelm you. That’s why we’ve come up with five simple behaviors to help you be cyber-aware, everywhere. Check out our infographic posters for a brief overview.
- Bee SAFE, Not Sorry: Report suspicious cyber activity, right away!
Download our Bee SAFE, Not Sorry Infographic Poster - Know Your Risk: Know your risk and your responsibility in protecting Yale’s data.
Download our Know Your Risk Infographic Poster - Click with Caution: What you need to know to be cyber safe online.Download our Click with Caution Infographic Poster
- Protect Your Identity: Protect your digital life by locking down your online accounts.Download our Protect Your Identity Infographic Poster
- Apply Updates: Keep your systems and software safe by regularly installing updates.Download our Apply Updates Infographic Poster

Build your cyber muscles with the Bee Cyber Fit series
Do you prefer snack-sized updates? Like to kick back and relax with a longer read? Interested in diving-in to conversations on cybersecurity? The Bee Cyber Fit series offers something for everyone!
Sign up to receive the monthly cybersecurity awareness tip, get alerts about the quarterly newsletter, stay updated on podcast episodes, or join our supporters list. You can also check out our libraries, below, for previous tips, articles, and episodes.
Monthly Tip: Want to learn easy ways to stay cyber safe at home and at work? Don’t miss this month’s cybersecurity buzz!
Newsletter: Offers a seasonal collection of scams, stories, news, and tips to stay safe. There’s also chances to win exclusive cybersecurity awareness swag!
Podcast: Join us as we discuss recent stories about cybersecurity, scams, and staying safe. Each month, we also break down some cybersecurity lingo with our buzzword of the day.
Get In Touch!
Do you have questions about cybersecurity awareness?
Is there a topic you’d like to learn more about?
E-mail with questions and ideas.