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S2 E3 | Bee SAFE, Not Sorry: Reporting suspicious cyber activity


One of the most important cybersecurity actions our Yale community can take is to report suspicious cyber activity right away to the Information Security Office. 

This action is critical to get ahead of malicious actors trying to gain unauthorized access to the important work we do every day in support of the Yale mission. Your attention and response can potentially save Yale from serious financial, reputational, or operational impact.

When it comes to reporting incidents, we want you to “Bee SAFE, Not Sorry”, where SAFE stands for the four simple reminders to make reporting easy.

Listen to this episode and you'll learn:

  • Why you should report suspicious cyber activity
  • An overview of the SAFE model, breaking down each of the components
  • How to report security incidents at Yale
  • Our buzzword of the day - "security incident"

Calls to Action:

Ready to build your cyber muscles, outsmart cybercriminals and hone your reporting skills?

Here are 3 simple things you can do: