Dear members of the Yale Community,
In January, I wrote to you about the important responsibilities we all have as stewards of Yale’s data and systems. Today, I want to share a very specific action we can all take to help ensure the security of Yale’s mission:
Report suspicious cyber activity right away to the Information Security Office.
If you have any reason to suspect that there has been unauthorized access to High Risk data, call the Information Security Office hotline immediately at 203-627-4665. For all other security concerns, email us. You can find more information about reporting suspicious behavior at cybersecurity.yale.edu/report. Your quick action can potentially save Yale from serious financial, reputational, or operational losses.
When it comes to reporting incidents, we want you to “Bee SAFE, Not Sorry”:
S – See something suspicious
Go with your gut. You know your work better than anyone. If something seems unusual or suspicious, don't ignore it.
A – Act quickly
Don’t hesitate to report the concern or be embarrassed or worried about blame. Even if what you saw ends up being nothing, it is better to be safe than sorry.
F – Follow instructions
Follow the guidance provided by the Information Security Office (ISO) after you report a security incident. Let the experts help.
E – Exercise discretion
Don’t discuss the incident. Once you report it to the ISO, refrain from discussing the incident with others.
I invite you to strengthen your cyber muscles and learn more about how to report an incident at our upcoming events:
- Participate in our interactive game, Kahoot!. Answer questions and build awareness with colleagues in an engaging learning environment on April 27 and May 2.
- Come hear me speak about what constitutes a security incident at the Not If, But When interactive presentation on May 17.
- Register for the May 31 panel discussion to learn why we need to report suspicious behavior immediately and the legal ramifications of waiting.
Interested in learning more about reporting an incident in a different format? Listen to the Bee Cyber Fit podcast, episode Why Reporting Security Incidents at Yale is Mission-Critical and Time Sensitive.
Thank you for your ongoing commitment to doing your part in protecting Yale's data and systems.
Jeremy Rosenberg
Chief Information Security Officer
Report suspicious activity right away to the Information Security Office.
Don’t be worried about blame or embarrassment. For urgent matters call 203-627-4665. For all other security matters, please email us at information.security@yale.edu.
Sign up for alerts about cybersecurity awareness events and information.