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S1 E6 | Don't get hoaxed this holiday season

Here's a common scenario: Your son, daughter or spouse sends you a link to an item they'd like to receive as a gift. You don't think twice about it and click on the link. But if it's a fake site, you may end up on the short end, duped by cybercriminals.

This holiday season, think twice before clicking on an unfamiliar website link from a family member or friend.

Why? Because those links may lead to spoofed websites that look like the real thing. Real pictures of allegedly real merchandise - often with great prices. Unfortunately, you may end up "buying" goods that never arrive.

Welcome to the challenges of safe online shopping! Let us help you navigate the holiday shopping season and help keep your hard-earned money where it belongs.

Listen to this episode and you'll learn:

  • Why you should always use a credit card over a debit card, Zelle, or Venmo
  • How scam websites can trick us into buying fake items
  • Why you should pause before buying items from sites with prices that seem too good to be true
  • How an unsuspecting mom got duped by a link her son sent for Air Jordans (and how PayPal washed its hands of her problem)

Calls to Action:

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