You book the perfect summer vacation. You anticipate it for months. You take tons of pictures and want to share them on Facebook with your family and friends.
But is it safe to share your photos while you’re still on the trip?
The truth is that cybercriminals will use all methods to learn about your travel plans. When you post on social media about your plans, you make it easier for them to target you.
How social media can be used against you.
There are many ways criminals can target you via social media including:
- Social media posts. “I’m so excited about our two-week dream vacation to Morocco.” Nope, don’t do it. No matter your preferred social media platform, posting that you’re on vacation is a tip-off. Adding details like length of stay may impress your friends, but it also attracts thieves.
- Geo-tagging and check-ins. It’s fun to check in, like from the departure lounge at the airport before jetting off. But when you do, you reveal your specific location. If you share the information via Instagram Stories, for example, it’s a tip-off. They can tell that it’s happened in the last 24 hours. That gives them plenty of time to potentially break into your home.
- Hashtags: #vacationphotos and many other hashtags clue in cybercriminals that you’re away. A simple search can reveal vacationers and pertinent information about trips.
Tips to reduce the likelihood of theft:
So what can you do to increase security when it comes to social media? There are simple ways to be more careful at vacation time (and year-round):
- Set your account to private. Only share your personal information with people you know. Public settings mean anyone can access your information on a social media platform.
- Decline requests from unknown people. Ever receive a friend request from a stranger? Be wary of unfamiliar people and exercise discretion. Strangers may masquerade as criminals. They are waiting to social engineer you out of your money or identity.
- Turn off GPS Tracking. Before vacation begins, turn off GPS tracking on all your social media apps. It’s a simple way to boost your security.
- Don’t post your travel details or itinerary. Just confirmed your travel details? Keep it to yourself. Posting confirmation numbers for hotel reservations, airline tickets and excursions is a jackpot for cybercriminals. They can take the data and manipulate it to their advantage.
- Post pictures when you return. Share your photos when you return home. It’s not as fun to post afterward but it’s a lot safer. You can still spill the beans on your vacation highlights. It’s never too late to regale them with your travel adventures.
- Talk to your kids about social media sharing. You may know exactly what to do to stay safe online but do your kids know too? Talk to them about safe ways to enjoy your vacation and share trip highlights.

Want more tips about secure summer travel?
Tune in to the recent Bee Cyber Fit podcast episode, 5 Tips to Keep Your Data Secure During Summer Travel Season. You’ll learn how to protect your data and devices.