Earlier this year, we asked for your help naming the Bee Cyber Fit bee. Solve our Wordle challenge to uncover their full name!
_______, the Cyber Bee!
Check out just a couple of ways the bee has been involved in increasing cybersecurity awareness at Yale and spreading the buzz about our campaigns.
Bee Cyber Fit with our monthly tip, newsletter, and podcast
Bee SAFE, Not Sorry and report suspicious cyber activity!
Tips to solve a wordle puzzle:
- Type your guess into the puzzle.
- After entering your guess, the game will provide feedback by highlighting the letters in your word using different colors:
- Green: A correct letter in the correct position.
- Yellow: A correct letter but in the wrong position.
- Gray: A letter that does not appear in the target word.
- Analyze the feedback to refine your guess. Pay attention to the green and yellow hints to narrow down the possibilities.
- Repeat until you successfully guess the target word or use up your allowed number of guesses.
Keep in mind that you only have six guesses.