Find the Phish Workshop
Join us for a fun and interactive session to learn about phishing. Experts from Yale's Information Security Office will discuss common red flags and the simple way to report phishing emails.

Find the Phish Workshop
Join us for a fun and interactive session to learn about phishing. Experts from Yale's Information Security Office will discuss common red flags and the simple way to report phishing emails.

Our MSS Lunch & Learn series starts April 17!
The MSS Lunch & Learns are discussions around each of the 14 MSS standards groups featuring experts from the Information Security Office (ISO). Each session will start with a presentation on specific standards groups followed by a Q&A portion where you can get answers to questions related to the MSS.
Visit the Minimum Security Standards (MSS) Lunch & Learns web page to find out specifics about the series, detailed session descriptions, and scheduled dates.

Don't miss out on our upcoming cyber habit challenge!
Back by popular demand! An all-new 5-day cyber habit challenge.
Register for our Spring Cyber Challenge taking place the week of May 13. Our simple daily tasks will build your cyber know-how. Build your cyber muscles and be prepared to address the increase in phishing attempts like a pro.