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Crowdstrike Outage Cybersecurity

Recently, a faulty update from CrowdStrike caused a worldwide technical outage. The outage mostly impacted Windows systems. CrowdStrike confirmed this was a technical issue and not a cybersecurity attack. However, we should be aware of how cybercriminals will use this outage to their advantage.

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January Cybersecurity Awareness Tip: New year and new easy-to-build cyber habits

  • Announcements

Bee Cyber Fit in January hero: Notepad with text "Building Better Habits" with laptop, smartphone, and Bee Cyber Fit bee


The New Year always presents the opportunity for resolutions and building good habits.

We tend to set ambitious, often unrealistic goals that don’t stick.

Make 2024 the year you build cyber-safe habits and stick to them!

Want to know three secrets to help form habits that stick in 2024?

  • Behaviors become more natural when we do them repeatedly.
  • We can form habits more easily when the tasks are simple to complete.
  • Actions that give you a feeling of immediate success encourage you to do more.

Wondering what habits have to do with cybersecurity awareness?

We want to help you build safe cyber habits that protect Yale and protect your personal information. The more you practice, the easier it is to do.

We’re kicking off our New Year, New You campaign and want YOU to join us!

Our 21-day Cyber Habit Challenge starts February 1. Sign-up to receive alerts about the 21-day challenge starting in February.

Each day in February, you’ll be tasked with a cybersecurity action that’s easy to complete and builds your cyber knowledge base. The more you build your cyber muscles, the easier it becomes to routinely consider cybersecurity as you navigate Yale’s data and systems. Our challenge offers an engaging way to be safe online.

Want other ways to get involved and build your cyber muscles?