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September Cybersecurity Awareness Tip: Avoid disaster and charity scams

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Bee Cyber Fit in September hero: smartphone displaying FEMA webpage

Be prepared for hurricane season cyber scams

Did you know the 2022 hurricane season is predicted to be more active than usual? That means we also expect post-disaster and charity relief scams to be more active.

Learn to spot these scams and keep your families safe with a few simple steps.

If you are a victim of hazardous weather or a natural disaster, you may likely need the support of local, state, and federal resources. Well, cybercriminals will masquerade as all three! They may impersonate property inspectors and building contractors or claim to be agencies offering state or federal aid. Some even offer to help replace identification cards, passports, or documents. Whatever mask they wear, they aim to steal your money and personal information. Use these tips as insurance against cybercriminals:

  • Know that federal and state workers do not ask for or accept money.
  • Use a licensed local contractor who has reliable references.
  • Only reveal personal information if you initiate contact with a government official.
  • Do not pay by wire transfer, gift card, cryptocurrency, or cash.

Even if you’re not personally affected by a disaster, you may want to lend a hand. But, your generosity provides a perfect opportunity for scammers to exploit your good nature. Follow these tips to help keep your donation money from falling into the wrong hands:

  • Research the charity and the organization’s tax status – try using the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance.
  • Be suspicious of charities requesting cash donations, wire transfers, gift cards, or cryptocurrency.
  • Beware of direct emails from 'victims' and solicitors with heart-wrenching stories.
  • Contribute only by check or credit card to have a record of the donation.

Want even more ways to build your cyber muscle? Review the Know Your Risk toolkit, check out the fall edition of the Bee Cyber Fit newsletter, and listen to the preview for the Bee Cyber Fit podcast coming October 4.