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Crowdstrike Outage Cybersecurity

Recently, a faulty update from CrowdStrike caused a worldwide technical outage. The outage mostly impacted Windows systems. CrowdStrike confirmed this was a technical issue and not a cybersecurity attack. However, we should be aware of how cybercriminals will use this outage to their advantage.

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May 5-Day Cyber Challenge

Padlock on a flowering tree branch with Bee Cyber FIt bee logo

The Spring Cyber Challenge is taking place the week of May 13.

Our simple daily tasks will build your cyber know-how and strengthen your cyber muscles.

Do you know how to address the increase in phishing attempts like a pro? Want to boost device security? Our all-new 5-day cyber habit challenge can help!

Ready to join us in creating cyber habits that stick?

May 13 - May 17




Monday, May 13 We can create lasting habits when we know why we’re doing them. What’s your why for keeping your devices – Yale and personal - safe?
  1. Read the May cybersecurity awareness tip, Device security is your digital safety net.
  2. Tell us why device security is important to you – complete our What’s Your Why Device survey.
  3. As a helpful reminder, print the postcard you’ll receive with your why for protecting your devices. Display in your workspace as a convenient reminder.
Tuesday, May 14

Can you guess how many attacks could have been prevented by keeping your system up-to-date? Or how many system or application vulnerabilities have already been found in 2024? Do you know the number one way to keep your devices safe?

Sharpen your digital defenses and join us for a fun and engaging trivia game all about device security!

Register for Device Defense Trivia Challenge on either Thursday, May 23 or Friday, May 31.
Wednesday, May 15 Ever find yourself staring at an email, questioning its legitimacy? You’re not alone. These days, it’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s not.
The Bee Cyber Fit podcast explores the murky waters of cybersecurity in an AI-dominated era and what you can do to be safe online.
Listen to the podcast episode, Navigating the Minefield of Personalized Phishing Attacks for the scoop on how to outsmart cybercriminals, from red flags to helpful tips.
Thursday, May 16 You listened to the Bee Cyber Fit episode about the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on phishing scams. Now it’s time to test your reporting knowledge with our brief quiz. Complete our Bee Cyber Fit podcast quiz and show how much you learned from listening to this episode.
May 17
It’s Friday – time for some fun! This game is a great way to test your knowledge about cyber principles. Complete our cybersecurity crossword puzzle.

How the Challenge Works

Each day we’ll ask you to complete a simple task. Most can be done in 10 minutes or less like solving a cyber-themed Wordle, reading a brief newsletter article, or taking a short quiz to build awareness.

You’ll receive a message each day of the week to keep the challenge top of mind.

At the end of May, we’ll select winners based on task completion. Complete all tasks and you can be entered to win – and you’ll solidify your status as a Yale Cyber Hero!

Don't miss our upcoming events!

Laptop, smartphone, and tablet with "security" transposed across all three
May 23

Device Defense: A trivia challenge for protecting your gadgets

May 23, 2024 at 12:00pm-1:00pm
Hosted by Yale Information Security Policy & Awareness Team

Put your knowledge to the test and sharpen your digital defenses fun trivia game all about device security! You'll learn tips to protect your systems, keep your devices safe from cyberattacks, and stay safe online.

Laptop, smartphone, and tablet with "security" transposed across all three
May 31

Device Defense: A trivia challenge for protecting your gadgets

May 31, 2024 at 12:00pm-1:00pm
Hosted by Yale Information Security Policy & Awareness Team

Put your knowledge to the test and sharpen your digital defenses fun trivia game all about device security! You'll learn tips to protect your systems, keep your devices safe from cyberattacks, and stay safe online.

Want to learn more?

  • Visit our Click with Caution page for more details about how to outsmart cybercriminals and stay safe online.
  • Discover our Apply Updates page and why applying patches is the number one way to protect your devices
  • Report suspicious cyber activity and find out why it's better to Bee SAFE, Not Sorry.
  • Build your cyber muscles with the Bee Cyber Fit series. Our monthly tip, newsletter, and podcast simplify cybersecurity for everyone!